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Kid bots?

Kid Botz (Send responses by 4pm SLT)
Thu Sep 03 2009 03:50 AM

Hi Milk N Kooksters! The Kookie Staff is planning on discussing the new "kids" in SL. We'd like to know how you feel about this, so we can talk about your opinions on the show. Attached is the notecard that discribes what these are, in case you are not aware. I'm sure we will get very different answers. Please send your feelings,on a notecard titled Kid Botz to SAGE KOSTENBAUM. If you'd like to stay anonymous, please tell me in the card. :) We'll probably talk about the article in the Secondlife Herald.

Wait there's more...

Tired of adopting kids on Sl only to have them soak you for Lindens and Land, lie to you and bail? Now there is a better solution.

Thanks for visiting SL's most unique artificial intelligence. KidsBotz ae REAL child avatars that stay logged in, 24/7 through the KidsBotz servers and await your commands. They are the most well behaved kids on Second Life!

Our Kids have hundreds of functions. In fact, they can do just about anything a real person can do. They can walk, follow, sit, use pose balls, stand, fly, talk, shout, dance, attack, change clothing and MUCH much more...

They can even hold intelligent conversations, programmed to respond to over 3 million words and phrayses... Or you can tell them what to say... on real time.

Oh, and did we mention that you can choose the rate in which they grow? Or stay the same age forever? Because you have total control, you can reskin, shape and dress them as often as you want... Or not at all...

They can also be programmed to send instant welcome IMs to people that visit your land, Landmarks, Group Invites and even copy/trans inventory offerings. And they send it to people that visit your land, no matter where the child is on the SL Grid.

Also, all of our bots are Age Verified. However, since they must be teleported by you, in order to go to an adult sim, you must be Age Verified also.

The cost? Very inexpensive. You have TWO options:

Adopt one of our kids: 899 Lindens a week plus a one time, 1000 adoption fee.

Make your own Child Avatar: 899 Lindens a week, 500 adoption fee.

Our kids only limitation is YOUR imigination.

Adopt your KidsBot today!

NOTE: These kids are NOT for traffic, camping or use in ANY adult oriented situation. Should you use your bot inappropiately, your adoption agreement will be terminated immediately with no refund and you will be reported to Linden Labs. This is a ZERO TOLARANCE policy.

And yet more here: Second Life Herald

My point of view is this, that I can see this leading to very bad uses for this technology. Can you say sex toys? I say ban these things before the pedos have a field day with them.


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