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Greetings everyone,

With the announcement of guidelines and restrictions placed on items sold in SL and on XStreet (please see the following link)

such as DC or Marvel, Star Trek, Babylon 5, any inspired by items of RW products, of Superheroes, Heroes, Mutants, you name it, we at Mutant Lives will effectively as of this notice be removing our products from XStreet SL and also in the future, removing all products that fit the Branding policies and Guidelines. We have always strived to create 100% by hand all items following what the DMCA allowed but now with these new guidelines that is not enough.
All DC/Marvel/ Superheroes will be removed as will any Avatars based on likeness of characters. All items that do not effectively cross the line will remain but it may not be enough for us to continue to hold land in SL, only time will tell. Also in the future, items will be renamed as such to not reflect any association.

I hope all of you in group, who create take a good look at the guidelines as this will not only effect Mutant Lives but any of us who sell items as such.

Take care everyone,

Trimzi Hedges, Co-Owner of Mutant Lives.

Marketplace - Listing Guidelines
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Marketplace Listing Guidelines

To help promote an enjoyable shopping experience, merchants must adhere to these guidelines when listing items on the Xstreet SL marketplace. The guidelines aim to help sellers list items effectively so that buyers can quickly and easily find what they're looking for. Sellers must:

* Select the category that best identifies the item for sale.

* Describe the item clearly, honestly, and accurately.

* Avoid tactics like item or keyword spamming that make it hard for buyers to find what they're searching for.

The guidelines below provide more detail on the rules for listing on the Xstreet SL marketplace:

* Branding Guidelines
* Category Guidelines
* Adult Guidelines
* Guidelines for Listings in Multiple Languages
* Disallowed Actions:
o Listings for Real-World Goods or Services
o Non-Item Listings
o Item or Keyword Spam
o Disabling and Re-Listing Items
o References to Other E-Commerce Websites
o Anti-Competitive or Abusive Behavior

Be sure to follow these guidelines when listing items. If your listing does not, we may remove it in our discretion, and no refunds will be issued for any removed listings. If you severely or repeatedly violate these guidelines, your Xstreet SL privileges may be revoked.

Branding Guidelines

Branded items may be listed or sold only by the brand or intellectual property owner or its authorized agents. A "branded item" is an item that:

* contains or uses a brand name or logo;

* replicates or closely imitates the appearance of a real-world physical product of a brand owner (for example, items that replicate the appearance of brands of cars, jewelry, or shoes that are available in the real world);

* replicates or closely imitates the appearance of a celebrity, famous person, or fictional character from a copyrighted work (for example, avatars that replicate the appearance of movie stars or characters from a book, film, television program, or game); or

* replicates or uses an artistic or creative work that is the subject of copyright (for example, virtual artwork that replicates artwork available in the real world or a sound clip that includes part of a song recording).

"Brand names" include product names; service names; company names; organization names; trade names; designer names; trademarks; service marks; celebrity names; famous persons' names; the unique names of well-known books, films, television programs, games, and other works that are the subject of copyright; and the unique names of well-known fictional characters from copyrighted works.

Be careful not to make comparisons to a brand name or say that your item is "like," "inspired by," or "based on" a brand name because this can be misleading and can lead to intellectual property infringement.

When including pictures in your listings, use a picture that accurately represents your item so that buyers are not confused about what you're selling. Never copy or use someone else's pictures or logos without their permission.

If you are a brand or intellectual property owner or the authorized agent of one, consider making others aware of this information by including it in your listing.

If we receive a complaint from a brand or intellectual property owner, or if we believe in good faith that your listing violates these Branding Guidelines or intellectual property law, we reserve the right to remove your listing and content (including content in Second Life associated with the listing) and in severe or repeat cases revoke your Xstreet SL and Second Life privileges.

You are responsible for ensuring that your listings and content comply with applicable intellectual property laws. Please be aware that your compliance with these Branding Guidelines does not guarantee your compliance with all intellectual property laws. For general information about intellectual property and our intellectual property complaint procedures, please go here. If you need advice on intellectual property law, we suggest you contact an attorney.


This Is Acceptable:

* An item that uses a brand name (like Gucci®, Nike®, or Rolex®) can be listed only if the item is officially offered or authorized by the brand owner (for example, Gucci America, Inc., Nike, Inc., or Rolex Watch U.S.A., Inc.).

* An item that uses a celebrity or famous name (like Angelina Jolie or Barack Obama) can be listed only if the item is officially offered or authorized by the celebrity or famous person (for example, Angelina Jolie or Barack Obama).

* A virtual car that looks like a particular brand of cars (like Mercedes-Benz®) and uses the logo of the brand can be listed only if the virtual car is officially offered or authorized by the brand owner (for example, Daimler AG).

* An avatar that has the appearance of a fictional character from a copyrighted work (like Darth Vader or Wonder Woman) and uses the character name can be listed only if the avatar is officially offered or authorized by the intellectual property owner of the character (for example, Lucasfilm Entertainment Co. Ltd. or DC Comics).

* Virtual artwork that replicates copyrighted artwork that is available in the real world (like the artwork of Andy Warhol or M.C. Escher) can be listed only if the virtual artwork is officially offered or authorized by the intellectual property owner of the artwork (for example, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. or The M.C. Escher Company B.V.).

This Is NOT Acceptable:

* A virtual sneaker named after a sneaker brand available in the real world (like Adidas® or Converse®) cannot be listed if the listing party is not the brand owner (for example, Adidas America, Inc. or Converse Inc.) or officially authorized by the brand owner.

* A virtual t-shirt with the logo of a real-world brand (like a Mickey Mouse® logo or an NFL® logo) cannot be listed if the listing party is not the brand owner (for example, Disney Enterprises, Inc. or the National Football League) or officially authorized by the brand owner.

* Virtual furniture with the distinctive appearance of a brand of furniture available in the real world (like the Eames® lounge chair and ottoman) cannot be listed if the listing party is not the brand owner (for example, Herman Miller, Inc.) or officially authorized by the brand owner.

* An avatar that has the appearance of a celebrity (for example, Elvis Presley or Marilyn Monroe) cannot be listed if the listing party is not the owner of the celebrity's right of publicity (or the right to use the celebrity's appearance, for example, Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. or Marilyn Monroe LLC) or officially authorized by the celebrity rights owner.

* Lists of unrelated brand names cannot be included in a listing or hidden by using white-on-white text, tiny fonts, special HTML code, or other means intended to circumvent the rules. (See also Keyword Spam below.)

* Misspelling brand names or adding, removing, or swapping some characters to try to circumvent the rules, for example, using the number "1" instead of the letter "I" or a dollar sign "$" instead of the letter "S," is not allowed.

Category Guidelines

We have developed a taxonomy for categorizing items. This taxonomy enables prospective buyers to easily browse listings and find the right items in a straightforward manner. However, it only works well if all the items in the Marketplace are applied to appropriate categories. Use the following guidelines to decide which categories to apply your items to:

* Select the most specific category that is appropriate for the item.

* Do not post items in the "Root" categories such as Apparel, Home & Garden, etc. unless you absolutely cannot find an applicable sub-category that applies.

* Do not create multiple listings of the same item. (See also Item Spam below.)

Listings in the wrong or inappropriate category may be removed to avoid confusion.


Item: Sailboat
Acceptable Category: Vehicles -> Water Vehicles -> Boats
Unacceptable Category: Vehicles -> Water Vehicles

Item: Set of 14 Couples Animations
Acceptable Category: Animations -> Animation Bundles or Animations -> Couples Animations
Unacceptable Category: Animations

Adult Guidelines

All uploaded or posted material falling under any of the following definitions of "Adult" content must be marked as such by checking the "Adult" checkbox in the Add or Update Item page for the material:

* Patently offensive, obscene, vulgar, or profane language.

* Visual depictions of death, dismemberment, or serious bodily injury.

* Visual depictions of patently offensive sexual conduct including, but not limited to, sex acts between consenting parties and masturbation.

* Visual depictions of nudity including, but not limited to, exposed pubic area, genitalia, buttocks, and female nipples.

However, "Adult" content does not include any of the following material, which is not allowed to be uploaded or posted on the Xstreet SL marketplace under any circumstances:

* Explicit sexual material depicting minors (person(s) under the legal age, mental, or physical capacity to give consent);

* Explicit sexual material involving any person(s) without the consent of all parties involved (i.e., rape).

The terms "party" and "person" as used above include avatars.

We may remove listings that contain "Adult" content if they are not marked as such.

Guidelines for Listings in Multiple Languages

The Xstreet SL marketplace allows item listings to be created in one or more languages. If you take advantage of this feature, each description must be in the appropriate language. This helps non-English speaking shoppers by keeping the listings they are interested in relevant.

Abusing this feature by entering the same text into all languages does not increase search rankings. It makes our servers work harder to filter out irrelevant results and makes shopping much more difficult for those who do not speak English.

Violations of this rule will be treated as Item Spam (see below).

Disallowed Actions

The following actions are disallowed. Note that these actions are disallowed by the Xstreet SL Terms of Service and Second Life Terms of Service, but they are restated here for clarification.

* Listings for Real-World Goods or Services. The Xstreet SL marketplace is only for digital content and services that are designed and intended for use with the Second Life virtual world technology. We expressly prohibit the listing or sale of any and all goods or services designed or intended to be delivered in the real world, for example, delivered in person or mailed or shipped to a physical address.

* Non-Item Listings. Our Marketplace is also not to be used for:
o Advertising events or places,
o Advertising land sales/rentals other than in the Real Estate section,
o Dispensing catalogs or information regarding an item without actually delivering that item, or
o Dispensing catalogs or information regarding a service without actually charging at least 50% of the value of that service.
You may purchase Banner Advertising if you wish to market things of this nature on Xstreet SL.

* Item or Keyword Spam.
o Item spam is listing an item more than once, for any reason, and will not be tolerated. Xstreet SL provides ways to increase visibility for nominal fees. Consider an Item Enhancement or a Banner Ad. Clear variations of an item, for example, an item offered in multiple sizes (such as small, medium, and large shoes), or an item offered in multiple colors (such as a blue and black sport coat), are allowed and are not considered item spam.
o Keyword spam is the use of words (such as brand names, item names, or other terms) that have nothing to do with the item listed so that the listing will appear in search results. Keyword spam is not allowed because it clutters the Marketplace and makes buying and selling more difficult. In addition:
+ We do not allow descriptions that promote unrelated items in other listings, for instance, items listed in other listing categories. For example, a listing for shoes cannot say things like, "Check out my other listings for cars and watches."
+ However, it is allowed to include a link to one's store in-world or one's other listings as long as the words used in the description do not skew search results. For example, the shoe merchant above could say: "I have these shoes in other colors, check those out here," but CANNOT say "I have these shoes in pink, yellow, blue, and green."
+ We expressly prohibit the hiding of unrelated keywords using white-on-white text, tiny fonts, HTML code, or other means intended to circumvent the rules.
(See also Branding Guidelines.)

* Disabling and Re-listing Items. This is considered misrepresentation. You have the ability to remove discussion posts for your items that are over 30 days old if you wish. In addition, if you are trying to get more attention for your item, try using an Item Enhancement or placing a Banner Ad.

* References to Other E-Commerce Websites. You are free to include references and links to your in-world stores or to your own personal websites, but please do not provide references or links to our competitors in your item listings.

* Anti-Competitive or Abusive Behavior. Examples include, but are not limited to:
o inflating prices on Xstreet SL compared to in-world or other e-commerce sites,
o hostile reviews or comments on a competing merchant's items, and
o item listings which are abusive against another merchant or their products.


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