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Showing posts from January, 2011

Meta7's new TOS

There is a new TOS for Meta7. Soon for the whole grid we will have mature and adult ratings. Groups and avie names will change. Sims will change from PG To read more about it all: Now all the metas need to do is ask for ID or proof of age. I remember when the Lindens started doing that. I've bought a home in a nice sim to park my avie at. I do see a lot of sim owners going private or group owned.

40 groups Y@Y and stuff !!!

I can now send everyone on my friends list a request to join my group. But what groups should I join? A group for bloggers, one for machinima, a builders group, any sculpty and/or texture group, a dj group, some more clubs to keep up with them, some misc groups that sounds/looks cool on my profile. There's so many groups to join that I don't know what group will help me. Other grids have more group space. Meta7 has at least 100. I know I could use 100 groups in sl.