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Showing posts from March, 2010


Here's some links: New TOS Please read it Wednesday, 31 Mar 2010 18:01:45 GMT The new TOS has alot of changes to it. It is the best intrest of staff that you read the changes as it involves third party clients, snapshot policys and recording and a bunch of other stuff Please read them !!b

Bugs in a Linden home.

I found a home that is infested with huge bugs. Somewhere in the sim of Nightjar there is a house that has bugs that's as big as the house it self. Are they art? Are they a person's whim? I love em.


I don't know if this is true or not: Fraud-poisoning attacks Be aware that if someone gives you a sum of L$ out of the blue for no apparent reason, it probably isn't money from heaven; We had a major case in 2006 of the same, using stolen L$ and credit fraud; If you receive fraudulent funds, LL probably will suspend your account pending investigation, and the worst thing you can do is immediately cash out. Be cautious, be aware, and DO look the gift horse in the mouth.

Sign of the times

Yet another sign of the times is this sign.

Sign of the times

I was doing a hunt and found this in someone's store. It's a bunch of Xstreet server boxes in a trash can. It has a hover text above it sayin "Soon moving to a new web service." By the way, hunters, this is not the hunt item your looking for.

Raglan's Steampunk'd Mardigras

Raglan Shire is doing Mardigras Steampunk style. Parties, movies, dances and a parade all in the style of steam punk. All this in the memory of Stillpink an old friend of the Shire's. I never knew her, but I'm sure we'd get along great.